Cedep 発達保育実践政策学センター

ここでは新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)に関連する保育・幼児教育施設対象の国内・海外の調査研究についてご紹介します。 リンク集のメニューへ →

(2020/04/23 作成 随時更新中)
2020/12/22 更新(※順不同)

新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)に関連する保育・幼児教育施設対象の国内・海外の調査研究  国内


[検索条件] 各種検索データベース(ERIC、APA PsycArticles、CiNii、Google Scholar、Google等)において、乳幼児や乳幼児施設を表すキーワード(earlychildhood、ECEC、preschool、youngchildren等)と、新型コロナウィルスを表すキーワード(COVID-19、corona等)のいずれもが入っているもの主に日本語・英語で検索。

[選定基準] 上記のうち、①乳幼児の保育・教育に関するものであり、②調査・研究の方法が信頼できると判断したものを選定した。
具体的には、学術誌における査読された論文(ただし、印刷前を含む)、保育・幼児教育関連団体(国内の保育関連の団体)や、研究機関(民間シンクタンク、国際機関)が出している報告書やWorking Paperを含む。

国立成育医療研究センター/ 2021年 / 報告書 new!


[要旨] 第 4 回となる今回の調査【コロナ×こどもアンケートその4】は、新型コロナウイルスの感染流行第3波、感染者数増加傾向が著明となった 11 月から 12 月にかけて実施しました。これまでの調査で、多くのこどもたちや保護者の方々に強いストレス負荷がかかり続けていることが分かってきたため、心の健康・悩みについてこれまでよりも詳しく尋ねました。また、半年前に第 2 回調査でも尋ねたスティグマやいじめなどについて、改めてより深く確認しました。給食を含めた食事に関すること、父親の育児に関することなどについても尋ねました。

ベネッセ教育総合研究所 / 2020年 / 報告書(2020年8月にプレスリリースが出た調査の報告書) new!



[要旨] 本調査は、一部の地域が新型コロナウイルス流行に伴う緊急事態宣言下にあり、多くの園や学校が休校だった時期に、幼児と小学生の生活の実態と、保護者の関わり、生活や学習に関する意識を把握する目的で行いました。ここに幼児と小学生、その保護者に対する新型コロナの影響をまとめ、報告します

国立成育医療研究センター/ 2020年 / 報告書 new!


[要旨] 第 3 回となる今回の調査【コロナ×こどもアンケートその 3】は、第 2 波が過ぎ感染者数が比較的少なくなっていた 9 月から 10 月にかけて実施しました。第 1 回から継続して尋ねているこころの状態のほか、コロナ前後での生活の変化や、ストレス対処法、家庭や学校で様々な子どもの権利が守られているか、などについても尋ねました。また、第 2 回調査でたくさんのこどもたちから届いた「こどもの意見も聞いてほしい・取り入れてほしい」という声を踏まえ、どうしたらそれを実現できるのか(大人は何ができるのか)をこどもたちに教えてもらいました。
本報告書では、第 3 回調査の全体の結果をご報告させていただきます。お時間のない方もぜひ、終盤の「おとなたちへのおねがい・アドバイス」(または抜粋版の別資料)だけでもお読みください。ハッとさせられる意見がきっとたくさんあると思います。

独立行政法人福祉医療機構 経営サポートセンター リサーチグループ 調査員 内記恵和 / 2021年 / 報告書 new!<

2020 年度 保育所および認定こども園の人材確保に関する調査について- 第一弾(コロナ禍の人材確保、長期的な人材確保の取組等)-(PDF)

[要旨] 福祉医療機構では、貸付先である全国の保育所および認定こども園を対象に、2020 年 12 月 4 日から同 12 月 28 日までの期間で「保育人材」に関するアンケート調査を実施した。
新型コロナウイルス感染症の人材確保に与える影響等では、「合同説明会や就職セミナー等の機会が減った」、「園内の見学を全部または一部制限」した施設が約 4 割と、採用活動が例年どおりにできなかった施設が一定数あったが、「新卒職員の応募が減った」が 2 割以下、「中途採用の応募が減った」が 1割以下と、応募者数への影響はさほど大きくなかったとみられる。また、コロナ禍の保育実習の受入は、「例年どおりの受入」をした施設が 6 割以上であったが、東京都とその他の地域で対応に違いがあった。長期的な人材確保のための取組等では、出産・育児休業後の職員のため「勤務体系や勤務時間を工夫している」施設が 8 割以上、若手・中堅職員のため「有給休暇の取得促進」、「産育休や介護休暇などの制度」を実施している施設が 7 割以上と、多くの保育所等で職員に寄り添った支援を行っていた。職員の負担軽減のための ICT 活用については、「会計業務関係」、「保護者への連絡」に関する機器等が半数以上の施設で導入されていた。一方で、ICT の活用の課題として、人材やコストのほか、職員の心理的なハードルもうかがえた。
2019 年度に人材紹介会社を利用した施設においては、9 割以上で支払手数料が高い、4 割以上で通常採用と比べ定着率が低い、6 割以上で人材紹介会社に不満があると回答していた。

ベネッセ教育総合研究所/ 2020年 / プレスリリース(2020年8月) new!


[要旨] 2020年1月以降、新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)が世界中で流行しています。国内では、緊急事態宣言が発令され、新学期を挟む約2か月間に渡り、園や学校が休校になりました。 ベネッセ教育総合研究所では、5月下旬の、一部の地域ではまだ緊急事態宣言が解除されておらず、多くの園や学校が休校だった時期に、幼児と小学生の生活の実態と、保護者のかかわり、生活や学習に関する意識を把握することを目的として、緊急で調査を行いました。

国立成育医療研究センター/ 2020年 / 報告書 new!


[要旨] 第2回となる今回の調査【コロナ×こどもアンケートその2】は、多くの学校が再開した6 月中旬から 7 月下旬の間に実施しました。

公益財団法人 全国私立保育園連盟/ 2020年 / 報告書, 集計表


[要旨] 調査部では、新型コロナウイルス感染症に関連する全国の保育施設の現状と課題を明らかにし、組織全体で対応策や解決するための基礎調査、『新型コロナウイルス感染症に関する調査』を行いました。今回の調査結果は速報として概要の考察を行うのみとし、いち早く回答を頂いた皆様へ結果をフィードバックすることが最も効果的活用であると考え、都道府県別のクロス集計データを添付することに致しました。まだまだ続く新型コロナウイルス感染症対策への課題の顕在化とその解決に役立てば幸いです。

一般社団法人 全国保育園保健師看護師連絡会/ 2020年 / 報告書


[要旨] 本アンケートは、保育所等における新型コロナウイルス対策に関する現状と課題に関する実態を把握することを目的としております。保育所における日々の感染症対策の困難点を踏まえ、新型コロナウイルス感染症の長期化に伴う保育所での対策について検討をしたいと考えております。つきましては、ご多忙中と存じますが、以下のURLからアンケートにお答えください。ぜひ、保育現場のご意見をお聞かせ下さい。保育園にお勤めの方であれば、どなたでもご回答頂けます。

公益社団法人 こども環境学会・こども環境研究会北海道の有志(北海道大学 愛甲哲也, 他)/ 2020年 / プレスリリース


[要旨] 新型コロナウィルスの影響で休校・休園や外出自粛になっている幼児〜中学生の生活状況,特に外遊びの実態と課題を調査しています。子どもの生活環境や遊び空間の改善に生かす知見を得るため、こども環境学会・こども環境研究会北海道の有志で、3月19日に開始しました。これまで北海道を中心にいただいた923人の回答について、主な内容を中間報告し、各家庭での子どもの過ごし方の現状や課題、工夫などについて共有いたします。協力が広がっていることや北海道外では休校・休園が延⻑されていることから、調査期間を当初予定より延⻑いたします。特に、北海道以外の方からもご回答をよろしくお願いいたします。引き続き、ご協力いただけますと幸いです。

全国保育協議会全国保育士会/ 2020年 / 報告書


[要旨] 調査目的/国は、新型コロナウイルス拡大防止のため、全国に緊急事態宣言を発出していたが5月27日より全面解除した。本調査は、4月7日に緊急事態宣言が発出され、その後、5月14日に東京都や大阪府等を除く39県で解除された段階において全国保育協議会及び全国保育士会の関係者に実施したアンケートである。保育所等における新型コロナウイルス感染症対応等に関する影響を把握し、今後の取り組みに向けて情報共有するとともに、厚生労働省との意見交換や必要になる対応を協議する際の参考とすることを目的とした。

特定非営利活動法人 全国認定こども園協会

/ 2020年 / プレスリリース, 報告書


  • 実施機関:特定非営利活動法人 全国認定こども園協会 新型コロナウイルス感染症対策プロジェクトチーム 協力組織:公益社団法人 全国私立保育園連盟 NPO法人 子育てひろば全国連絡協議会 にっぽん子ども・子育て応援団 保育園を考える親の会 私立幼稚園経営者懇談会(日本経済団体連合会・業種別団体) 保育総合研究会 日本プレイセンター協会 等(順不同)
  • 目的:就学前の子育て家庭を対象に、新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響下にある生活実態や心身状態等を把握し、問題点や課題を分析することにより改善の方向性を明らかにする。
  • 回答者:0~6歳(小学校未就学児)の子どもを持つ保護者5,777件(全国の47都道府県、5/25まで)
  • 調査方法:オンラインアンケート調査 調査票アドレス:https://bit.ly/365EGRh(6/6 23:59まで)
  • 調査期間:令和2(2020)年5月15日~6月6日
/ 2020年 / 報告書


[調査概要] 新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大防止のため、4月16日に全国に「緊急事態宣言」が発出され、全国の小中学校が休校となる中、乳幼児期の幼児教育・保育施設並びに子育て支援に関わる施設は、休園や登園自粛をとることになり、認定こども園においても子ども達を受け入れるか否かという判断を各園が取らねばならない状況に陥りました。新型コロナウイルスは未知の病原体であるため、多くの園では、どのようにして子ども達の安全・安心を確保し、保育を進めていけば良いのか戸惑う事ばかりでした。そこで、全国認定こども園協会では、全国各地の会員園の皆様に現場での対応と家庭内での実態の声を拾い、共有し今後の感染症対策と保育のあり方について発信できればという思いや、突然余儀なく登園自粛などで家庭保育をすることになった、就学前の子どもを持つ家庭の実態を把握し、そこから見えてくる課題に対し認定こども園、また、社会全体として何ができるかを考えることを目的としてこの調査を実施することにしました。本調査は、緊急事態宣言発出後の5月15日から6月6日までの期間行い、協会会員園に Web でのアンケートを依頼し、393 ヶ園の回答を得ました。また、就学前の子育て家庭へのアンケートには、会員園以外の幼児教育・保育団体や子育てひろばなどの子育て支援センター等を運営する団体にも協力を仰ぎ、47 都道府県 6,108 もの回答をいただきました。この報告書では、協会会員園からのアンケート結果を【施設編】とし、就学前の子育て家庭から得たアンケート結果を【保護者編】と分けて集計し考察や課題提示、提案とした形でまとめました。

国立成育医療研究センター/ 2020年 / 報告書



[要旨] 【コロナ×こどもアンケートについて】コロナ×こども本部では、コロナ禍におけるこどもたちの生活と健康の現状に関する調査をしています。調査結果は速やかに一般向けに公開するほか、こどもに関わる様々な団体へ提供し、役立ててもらえるように働きかけています。本調査は、こどもアドボケイト(こども自身の気持ちや意見を聴き、それを社会につなげる)事業としても運営しています。2020年4月30日~5月31日に第1回調査を実施し、たくさんの方からご回答いただきました。 現在実施している調査は第2回調査です。第1回調査にご協力いただいた方も、ご協力いただけなかった方も、どちらもご協力いただけます。たくさんの方の声が集まると、社会を動かす大きな力になります。ぜひご協力をお願いします。

公益社団法人 全国私立保育園連盟 調査部 / 2020年 / 報告書


[要旨] 公益社団法人全国私立保育園連盟 調査部(以下、調査部)では、先般4月(令和2年4月22日時点)に引き続いて、保育施設を対象とした『新型コロナウイルス感染症に関する調査2』を行いました。感染拡大により大きな不安と制限があった状況下から、緊急事態宣言解除(令和2年5月25日)後を含む期間の調査として、また併せて、前回調査(令和2年5月11日報告)の追調査として、状況変化の把握を目的としました。現在、感染リスクを考慮しながらも、いかに日常を取り戻すかは保育施設だけでなく国全体の課題となっていますが、私達は、子ども達が施設に戻ってきたことに大きな喜びを感じながらも、3密、対面会話の回避など、“コロナ以前”からすればありえなかったことを考えなければならない局面を迎えています。とりわけ、保育施設にとっての『新しい生活様式』という問いについては、乳幼児期の発達が密接な身体接触やコミュニケーションによって成り立っていることとの矛盾の中で進めていかざるを得ないことを、常に認識していたいと感じます。今回の問題は、ウイルスが沈静化しても、分断された社会や孤立化が深まった人間関係を少しずつ紡ぎなおしていくような長期的な課題となりそうです。現場は、まだまだ予断を許さない状況ではありますが、保育施設の役割を的確に方向付けていくため、また、将来の同様な危機に備えるため、この時期の「客観的データ」の集積としてこの報告書をまとめました。保育施設の次の一歩に役立てれば幸いです。ご協力いただいた全ての皆様に感謝申し上げます。最後になりますが、この度令和2年7月の豪雨災害に被災された方々へ心からお見舞い申し上げますとともに、コロナ禍での避難、災害復興にご尽力されている皆様の安全をお祈りいたします。


/ 2020年 / 会議資料


[アンケート実施状況] 令和2年7月6日から7月22日まで、全国国公立幼稚園・こども園長会及び全日本私立幼稚園連合会を通じて、幼稚園等の再開後の活動状況に関してアンケート実施。国公私立の幼稚園・幼保連携型認定こども園から940件(幼稚園808園、幼稚園型認定こども園22園、幼保連携型認定こども園107園)の回答。

/ 2020年 / 会議資料


[アンケート実施状況] 令和2年7月6日から7月31日まで、都道府県、指定都市、幼児教育推進体制事業実施自治体に対して、新型コロナウイルス感染症対策に関する自治体における域内自治体・幼稚園等の取組の支援、関係専門機関等との連携についてのアンケートを実施。都道府県・指定都市等から、74件の回答。

公益社団法人 こども環境学会/2020年 / 報告書


[要旨] 当学会では、休園中のこどもや保護者への影響、また保育再開後に伴う課題等を共有し、発信し、解決策を共に探りたいと思い、アンケート調査を実施いたしました。ご多忙の中、多くの皆様にご協力いただき、感謝いたします。つきましては、中間報告ではありますが、とりまとめましたので、ここにご報告いたします。継続して分析を行い最終報告として改めて報告いたします。

全国夜間保育園連盟/ 2020年 / 報告書(集計表)


[要旨] 夜間保育園連盟加盟園を対象に行ったアンケート、「新型コロナウイルス感染症について」の結果を掲載致します。

新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)に関連する保育・幼児教育施設対象の国内・海外の調査研究  海外

▶National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) / 2020年 / 報告書(Brief)/ new!

NAEYC Pandemic Surveys

[要旨] From the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, NAEYC has remained committed to understanding and sharing the breadth of the deepening crisis and the challenges child care programs are facing across states and settings. You can access the findings from our surveys of child care providers below.

▶United Way of Kentucky, Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence, Kentucky Youth Advocates, Child Care Advocates of Kentucky, Metro United Way, Learning Grove, United Way of Greater Cincinnati, Appalachian Early Childhood Network, EC Learn, and Community Coordinated Child Care (4-C).

/ 2020年 / 報告書/ new!

A Fragile Ecosystem III - COVID-19’s continued impact on child care for Kentucky parents and families

[要旨] In January 2021, more than 1,400 parents and families participated in A Fragile Ecosystem III. This survey provided a space for families to share the continued impact of the pandemic on child care and how advocates can best support families during this time.

/ 2020年 / 報告書/ new!

A Fragile Ecosystem II - Kentucky parents respond to the child care crisis following COVID-19

[要旨] In July 2020, we surveyed more than 1,500 Kentucky parents and families to share their thoughts about child care and what’s next as Kentucky reopens the economy. Parents from 101 of Kentucky's 120 counties participated in the survey.

/ 2020年 / 報告書/ new!

A Fragile Ecosystem 1 - the state of child care in Kentucky following COVID-19 closures

[要旨] More than 1,500 of the state's 2,172 providers participated in A Fragile Ecosystem I, the Kentucky Child Care Provider Survey. It is our hope that these responses will help organizations and policymakers understand the ongoing impacts of the pandemic on the child care sector, as well as improve upon solutions at the federal, state and community level. The impact of the pandemic on child care in Kentucky has already been extensive, and the system was already struggling to survive. From affording rent and mortgage payments, to paying staff benefits, providers are concerned about many factors when it comes to re-opening.

▶Dita Nugroho; Hsiao-Chen Lin; Ivelina Borisova; Ana Nieto; Maniza Ntekim / 2020年 / 報告書/ Innocenti Working Papers no. 2020-15, UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti, Florence new!

COVID-19 Trends, Promising Practices and Gaps in Remote Learning for Pre-Primary Education

[要旨] This paper examines the remote learning options that countries around the world have made available for pre-primary students and their families while schools are closed during the COVID-19 pandemic. It highlights trends, gaps and emerging good practices that are supported by existing evidence.

▶Clive R. Belfield / 2020年 / 報告書/

Early Education in the Time of COVID-19: An Economic Analysis for North Carolina(PDF)

[要旨] Early education and child care – as well as boosting child development – helps families participate in the labor market and become financially secure. However, too many working families across North Carolina cannot access adequate child care – and the COVID-19 pandemic has it worse. Each year over 400,000 parents of children aged under 6 struggle to find child care that helps them work at the jobs they need. Using a new survey of 802 working parents with young children in North Carolina, conducted in October 2020, this Report examines the links between child care and work before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

▶Harriet Davies, Laura Hunnikin, Department for Education / 2021年 / 報告書/

Survey of childcare and early years providers and coronavirus (COVID-19): wave 3

[要旨] The Department for Education commissioned NatCen Social Research and Frontier Economics to conduct wave 3 of an online survey with childcare providers entitled the Survey of Childcare and Early Years Providers and Coronavirus (COVID-19) (SCEYP COVID). The purpose of this study was to understand how childcare providers have responded to the pandemic, the status of childcare provision and any potential longerterm consequences for the childcare market. This report presents findings from wave 3 of the survey.

▶Laura Hunnikin, Department for Education / 2020年 / 報告書/

Survey of childcare and early years providers and coronavirus (COVID-19): wave 2

[要旨] The Department for Education commissioned NatCen Social Research and Frontier Economics to conduct wave two of an online survey with childcare providers entitled the Survey of Childcare and Early Years Providers and COVID-19 (SCEYP COVID). The purpose of this study was to understand how childcare providers have responded to the pandemic, the status of childcare provision and any potential longer-term consequences for the childcare market. This report presents findings from wave 2 of the survey.

▶W. Steven Barnett and Kwanghee Jung / 2021年 / 報告書/ The National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) at the Graduate School of Education, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ new!

Seven Impacts of the Pandemic on Young Children and their Parents: Initial Findings from NIEER’s December 2020 Preschool Learning Activities Survey

[要旨] Early learning experiences at home and in classrooms build the foundations for children’s later success in school and life. The pandemic has upended homelife and preschool programs, making it more challenging for both parents and communities to provide optimal learning experiences for young children. These changes are likely to have important consequences for young children’s learning and development (social, emotional, and physical as well as cognitive) and mental health. To learn about the pandemic’s impacts on young children’s learning and development NIEER developed a parent survey regarding children’s home learning activities and preschool participation during the pandemic. The first survey was conducted in Spring 2020.1 We followed this up with a second survey in December 2020 with a national survey of parents of children ages 3 to 5 and not yet in kindergarten. As with the first survey, the second includes some questions from previous national surveys such as the National Household Education Survey to compare current  circumstances with those prior to the pandemic. It also included a standardized measure of children’s social and emotional development and well-being. Overall, we found the pandemic resulted in significant loss of important learning opportunities for young children through the fall into December. Participation in preschool programs declined sharply from pre-pandemic levels. Although most who attended preschool programs did so in-person, this was not true for young children in poverty who had less than 1/3 the access to in-person education of children in higher income families. Parent supports for learning through booking reading and teaching basic skills also declined sharply. So children lost learning opportunities both at home and in preschool programs. Not surprisingly, parents reported unusually high rates of social-emotional or mental health problems for their young children. We summarize key findings and then present charts with detailed information on seven impacts the pandemic has had on young children and their parents.

▶Megan Jarvie, Sam Shorto and Hannah Parlett / 2021年 / 報告書/ Coram Family and Childcare new!

Childcare Survey 2021

[要旨] This report is the 21st annual Childcare Survey. It is based on surveys from local authorities in England, Scotland and Wales, which were returned to Coram Family and Childcare between November 2020 and January 2021. We also produce the Holiday Childcare Survey, which is published annually before the school summer holidays. Previous reports are available from our website: www.familyandchildcaretrust.org.

▶United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Uzbekistan / 2020年 / 報告書/ new!

Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) at home during COVID-19 lockdown: Results from a Rapid Survey in Uzbekistan

[要旨] Education section of the UNICEF Uzbekistan country office carried out a detailed study on the Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) of parents and caretakers of 3-6 years old children regarding ECCE (the data for the study was collected in November 2019 and the report was finalized in May 2020). The KAP study looked at the knowledge of parents and caretakers about the child development outcomes, appropriate and desirable childcare practices and behaviour, including equity and inclusion; the attitude towards child development services and its efficacy, particularly the quality, and affordability of available preschool services, willingness to adapt appropriate childcare practices and behaviour; and practices in terms of use of preschool services, engagement with children etc. As the KAP study looked at the scenario before the COVID-19 pandemic, it was important to do a quick survey to assess ECCE scenario, particularly caring and raring practices at home, and parental attitudes and knowledge regarding ECCE during the COVID19 lockdown. It was also important to understand what parents thought about the ECCE programmes that the government produced and broadcasted through television for young children. Thus, this rapid assessment was aimed at dealing with a sub-set of issues covered in the KAP study with focus on engaging children during the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown which forced children to be at home and parents to be more engaged with children in one way or other.

▶Phillips, B., Browne, D.T., Anand, M. et al.  / 2021年 / 論文/ Scientific Reports volume 11, Article number: 6402 (2021) new!

Model‑based projections for COVID‑19 outbreak size and student‑days lost to closure in Ontario childcare centres and primary schools

[要旨] There is a pressing need for evidence-based scrutiny of plans to re-open childcare centres during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here we developed an agent-based model of SARS-CoV-2 transmission within a childcare centre and households. Scenarios varied the student-to-educator ratio (15:2, 8:2, 7:3), family clustering (siblings together versus random assignment) and time spent in class. We also evaluated a primary school setting (with student-educator ratios 30:1, 15:1 and 8:1), including cohorts that alternate weekly. In the childcare centre setting, grouping siblings significantly reduced outbreak size and student-days lost. We identify an intensification cascade specific to classroom outbreaks of respiratory viruses with presymptomatic infection. In both childcare and primary school settings, each doubling of class size from 8 to 15 to 30 more than doubled the outbreak size and student-days lost (increases by factors of 2–5, depending on the scenario. Proposals for childcare and primary school reopening could be enhanced for safety by switching to smaller class sizes and grouping siblings.

▶National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA), Education Policy Institute (EPI) / 2020年 / 報告書/ new!

The COVID-19 pandemic and the early years workforce: March-August 2020: staffing decisions in an uncertain environment

[要旨] This is the first in a series of four short reports summarising the findings of four quarterly surveys of early education and childcare providers in Great Britain. We are seeking to understand the impact that the current [Coronavirus Disease 2019] COVID-19 pandemic is having on the staffing decisions of early years providers in the private, voluntary and independent sectors. Early years providers face a variety of challenges, which look set to change considerably over the next year, from changes in the demand for childcare among parents to changes to the schemes of government support available such as through the government's furlough scheme. The evidence is clear that high quality staff - motivated, well-qualified and with access to good [continuing professional development] CPD opportunities - are key to supporting children's early development. However, even before the current crisis, the early years workforce in Great Britain faced a variety of challenges, with previous [Economic Policy Institute] EPI research finding that workers faced low and falling 'real terms' pay, while providers frequently reported difficulties hiring staff, particularly those who were well qualified. The current crisis threatens to exacerbate these issues. Over the course of these four surveys, to be carried out between August 2020 and May 2021, we hope to shine a light on the impact on the staffing decisions of early years providers of the current pandemic as it evolves.

▶W. Steven Barnett, Rolf Grafwallner & Georgenne G. Weisenfeld / 2021年 / 論文 / European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 29:1, 109-124 new!

Corona pandemic in the United States shapes new normal for young children and their families

[要旨] The COVID-19 pandemic tremendously disrupted ECE in the U.S., closing many private programs and nearly all public preschool and primary classrooms. To understand this impact, we used multiple strategies, including a nationwide survey of parents; a review of state policies, guidance and resource documents; and scans of media coverage to obtain information on how the pandemic has shaped policy and the ECE experiences of young children and their families across the U.S. beginning in the spring and continuing through the fall of 2020. Our findings suggest that the pandemic has highlighted already existing problems in the fragmented ECE system. Pandemic-related problems may give rise to greater support for better integrated systems and consolidation in the public sector but might also lead to support for an expanded private sector role.

▶RITA CORDOVIL, LUÍS RIBEIRO, MARIANA MOREIRA, ANDRÉ POMBO, LUIS PAULO RODRIGUES5, CARLOS LUZ, GUIDA VEIGA, FREDERICO LOPES / 2021年 / 論文 / Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES),Vol 21 (Supplement issue 1), Art 52 pp 492-499 new!

Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on preschool children and preschools in Portugal(PDF)

[要旨] Problem Statement:The COVID-19 pandemic led to significant changes in the life routines of preschool children, both during lockdown and post-lockdown periods. Approach:An online survey completed by parents, in-loco assessment scales filled in by a researcherand semi-structured interviews with preschool teacherswere used to investigate the effects of the adjustments, which occurred in preschool children’s lives, in the lockdown and post lockdown periods.Purpose:To characterize the levels of physical activity that Portuguese children had during the lockdown period and to understand what changed in their school routines in the post-lockdown period, regarding the organization of school spaces and routines.Results:Parents reported that children aged 3 to 5spent most of their time during lockdownundertaking sedentary activities (72% of their daily activities). In the post-lockdown period,results indicate that in June there was an increase in the number of preschools with a poor quality of environment compared to the pre-pandemic period (October/November).Taking into account the measures implemented in preschools to prevent the COVID-19 transmission,teachers were of the opinion that limiting the number of children sharing material was the worst measure imposed, since it hampered children’s socialization. Conversely, increasing the use of the outdoor space was deemed positive because it improved children’s happiness and action possibilities outside.Conclusions: TheCOVID-19pandemic has had a clear impact on Portuguese children’s overall levels of physical activity during lockdown. In some schools, the implementation of health guidelines has also led to further negative effects on children’s play opportunities. However, many schools seem to be successful in finding strategies to ensure a healthy balance between promoting children’s physical activity and ensuring risk control.

▶Yıldırım, B.  / 2021年 / 論文 / Early Childhood Educ J (2021). new!

Preschool Education in Turkey During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Study.

[要旨] This study investigated the repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic on preschool education and sought answers to how preschool education is implemented, what kind of activities are held, what kind of challenges need to be overcome, and what measures need to be taken to sustain preschool education. The sample consisted of 25 preschool teachers and 30 parents recruited using criterion sampling, a purposive sampling method. The study was based on phenomenology, which is a qualitative research design. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview form and video records of participants performing educational practice within two months. Data were analyzed using inductive content analysis. Participants stated that the Covid-19 pandemic had numerous adverse effects on preschool education and that they held art, science, and mathematics activities and games to sustain education but faced numerous challenges during the process. They also emphasized that measures should be taken to sustain preschool education during pandemics.

▶V. Georgieva-Hristozova / 2020年 / 論文 / Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 18, Suppl. 1, pp 297-301, 2020 new!


[要旨] The current theoretical paper is a brief reflection with an analytical bias and a descriptive nature, aimed at registering the likely difficulties and presumed risk consequences for preschool children as a result of physical and social isolation in emergencies such as the Covid-19 pandemic. It applies to parents, students of pedagogical specialties, professionals in the field of education, and is a modest attempt to summarize the hypothetical adverse effects of the social recession in these days of a worldwide hardship. The view of these problems signals to the pedagogical specialists the negatives of the pandemic, unfolding the horizons of their timely preparation and readiness to deal with the influence of isolation on the socialization of children. At this stage, such a theoretical organization is devoid of pretensions to present the complexity of the problem, as well as to be comprehensive in reasoning, despite of a clear sense of the possibility for them to proliferate in a variety of directions, each of which deserves special attention and in-depth analysis.

▶Julia T. Atiles, Mayra Almodóvar, Aleida Chavarría Vargas, Maria J. A. Dias & Irma M. Zúñiga León / 2021年 / 論文 / European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 29:1, 66-78 new!

International responses to COVID-19: challenges faced by early childhood professionals

[要旨] The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a world crisis of an unprecedented nature. In March 2020, due to closing of non-essential private and public educational institutions, early childhood professionals had to quickly adapt and respond to the demands for social distancing, hygiene, new protocols and transition to online education. Alternatively, educators engaged in distance teaching and learning, when the families they serve lacked technological resources for online modalities. The present study examines how early childhood teachers in the United States and several Latin American countries are facing the challenges presented by COVID-19. The study clearly reflects the relevancy of the challenges faced by educators of young children, such as lack of preparation for distance teaching and learning, deficiencies in the pre-and in-service trainings to address the educational needs of young children distantly, and the need to work differently with caregivers. Teacher training and development should include the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to successfully reconsider and participate in distance teaching and learning.

▶Koen, M., Neethling, M., Stef, & Taylor, B. / 2021年 / 論文 / Perspectives in Education, 39(1), 138-156. new!

The impact of COVID-19 on the holistic development of young South African at-risk children in three early childhood care and education centres in a rural area.

[要旨] Early childhood care and education (ECCE) has gained recognition as an important means of promoting the holistic development of the inseparable social, emotional, cognitive and physical facets of education in the early childhood years. Since early childhood development poses challenges to many young children, the prolonged mandatory closure of ECCE centres during the national lockdown exposed many young children to the additional risk of being deprived of the continuity of learning, security, health and safety. This article draws from a research project in three Bafenyi ECCE centres in the rural area of Ikageng (Potchefstroom) in the North-West province of South Africa and focuses on how COVID-19 influences the holistic development of young children at risk. A qualitative approach was taken, following a participatory action-learning and action-research (PALAR) design where all participants collaborate as equal partners and construct their own meaning from experiences within the action-learning set (ALS) to advocate for change. Within a critical and transformative paradigm teacher-participants were encouraged to think critically about the holistic development of young children and to consider how collaboration could lead to social change. The data collection method was limited to the recorded group discussions of the ALS during Cycle 1 of the PALAR process. Given that positive environmental and contextual factors are able to lay the groundwork for holistic development in the early years, the African Ubuntu philosophy of compassion, respect and humanity was viewed as being suitable to serve as theoretical framework for the study. The findings highlight that, even during a lockdown, it vital that collaborative ways are found to harness the precious early years with a view not only to meeting these children’s needs but also to laying the foundation for a sustainable future. It is argued that if teachers were to apply the Ubuntu philosophy, they would learn how to make lifelong use of the acquired skills to improve the holistic well-being of young children on an ongoing basis.

▶Maria Malta Campos & Lívia Fraga Vieira / 2021年 / 論文 / European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 29:1, 125-140 new!

COVID-19 and early childhood in Brazil: impacts on children’s well-being, education and care

[要旨] This article describes and analyses the corona virus pandemic consequences on Brazilian early childhood education, on small children families' life conditions and on teacher's work, since March 2020, when preventive measures, such as social distancing and schools closure, were adopted by states and municipal authorities in the country. The text covers four main aspects of this situation: (a) economic and social factors affecting families with small children during the pandemic; (b) early childhood education policies and initiatives during the period of school closure; (c) the new roles of teachers; (d) a number of narratives from small children experiences and feelings. Data were obtained from different sources: reports published on the Internet; preliminary data from on going researches; and information given by some public schools. The collected information shows how school and home's spaces and times are now mixed up and how teachers and parents roles are being shared since the schools closed. Children tell how they miss going to school, their teachers and friends; parents miss the school support and its presence in their lives; teachers have to improvise using virtual means of communication and are afraid of returning to schools when they reopen.

▶Maria Gayatri / 2020年 / 論文 / Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews 8(6):46-54 new!

The implementation of early childhood education in the time of COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review

[要旨] Purpose of the study: The study examined the implementation of early childhood education during the pandemic of COVID-19. Methodology: A systematic review identified the implementation in early childhood education settings. Electronic databases such as PubMed, MEDLINE, Web of Science, Scopus and manual search on Google Scholar were explored with specific keywords from the inception of the pandemic COVID-19 to November 30, 2020. Main Findings: Early childhood education has been influenced due to school closure. Most of the children experience online learning, to reduce the spread of the outbreak, especially when face-to-face learning cannot be conducted. Parents and teachers have significant roles in supporting the children to improve their cognitive and social development. However, the implementation of home learning causes some difficulties in relation to the self-regulation of very young children, the readiness to utilize digital technology and learning materials, parent's beliefs and attitudes on online learning compared with traditional learning, and requirements of demanding time and knowledge to accompany the children. Therefore, it is important to have good communication between parents and teachers to support early childhood online learning during the outbreak. Applications of this study: This article will provide evidence from some countries about the matter of early childhood education during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study will be useful for improving the quality of early childhood education. Novelty/Originality of this study: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the early childhood education has changed from the traditional system to online education system to reduce the spread of the diseases. This article will show the various implementations of learning system during the outbreak and the lesson learned.

▶Oliver Rolando Peñafiel Muñoz, Sergio Orlando Velasco Muñoz, Liz Stefani Rubin de Celis Chávez, Hanna Patricia Medrano Romero, Anderson Roy Calle Mamani / 2020年 / 論文 / Revista Catalana de Pedagogia, Vol. 18 (2020) new!

Resilience of early childhood education teachers in handling new technologies in virtual education due to the Covid 19 pandemic

[要旨] In this research we set out the resilient strategies adopted by early childhood education teachers at a State education facility in the city of La Paz, Bolivia in handling new technologies and report on the limited access children and their families have to technologies for virtual education. Thanks to insight into the experiences of teachers through in-depth interviews and online questionnaires about the Covid-19 pandemic, it has been found that adaptation to requirements in different areas ʹ taking into account the vulnerability brought about by the pandemic and the new challenges this entails; namely, recording of classes, use of virtual platforms, adaptation of teaching materials and the new medium of connection between teachers, students and parents ʹ led to outcomes that made efficiency possible whereby new bonds were strengthened which foster the education of students, enabling them to adapt optimally, and allowing all of them to develop resilient strategies.

▶Marlina, S., & Hazizah, N. / 2020年 / 論文 / Digital Press Social Sciences and Humanities, 6, 00007. new!

Implementation of Early Childhood Education Policy in The Pandemic of COVID-19 In Indonesia.

[要旨] This study aims to describe the application of early childhood education policies in the middle of COVID-19. This research method is a literature study, this study conducted a review of the literature-literature re-lating to the execution of early childhood instruction approach amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The results of this study found early childhood education policy during the COVID-19 pandemic was not implemented properly, the unequal internet access so parents cannot access learning and economic prob-lems from parents so that they are unable to present tools for support online learning. the lack of parental knowledge of early childhood education. Learning at home must be in accordance with the interests and conditions of children not implemented because children tend to be left playing without supervision.

▶Heny Solekhah / 2020年 / 論文 / International Journal of Emerging Issues in Early Childhood Education, Vol 2, No 2 (2020) new!

Distance Learning of Indonesian Early Childhood Education (PAUD) during the Covid-19 Pandemic

[要旨] The outbreaks of Covid-19 influence the Indonesian education nationally, including early childhood education (PAUD). Since the school closures in March, the teachers have attempted to implement the distance learning. This study is conducted in a school in Kendal. The teacher shared her experiences in conducting the learning based on the emergency curriculum. It is found that the government has given the support by publishing the twelve books for the learning at home policy and providing the internet data. Most of the books are about playing with children and positive communication. Parents’ roles in distance learning have greater proportion than the teachers. Parents in this situation have the duties to supervise the learning, to conduct the learning, and to assist teachers in assessment. The teachers construct the weekly lesson plan, communicate the steps of learning process, and evaluate the students’ progress. However, both teachers and parents experience barriers due to the lack of skills in using technology and inability to provide learning materials to support six aspects of child development.

▶Boland / 2020年 / 報告書/ new!

Responses to Covid-19 in Steiner Early Childhood Settings: A comparison of Australian and New Zealand experiences(PDF)

[要旨] Introduction The restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic have had wide-ranging repercussions around the world. This is certainly the case in the early childhood sector both in Australia and New Zealand. Two reports on Steiner early childhood teachers’ responses to the Covid pandemic have recently been published, one for Waekura, the early childhood branch of Steiner Education Aotearoa New Zealand (Boland & Mortlock, 2020), and one for the Australian Association of Steiner Early Childhood Education (Boland, 2020). These reports were based on two questionnaires sent to practitioners in both countries. When compiling the reports, I became aware of interesting differences between the two sets of responses which merited further exploration. This document does not repeat information which is available in the full reports for each country, but extracts data in order to compare responses in the two countries.

▶Hazhari Ismail Syazwani Aniyah Manja Iylia Mohamad Mohd Shawani Ahmad Sabri / 2020年 / 論文 / European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2020, Volume 7, Issue 2, Pages 4884-4898 new!

The Level Of Preparation For Pandemic Influenza (Covid-19) Among Early Childhood Education Centre

[要旨] The preparation for disasters such as pandemic is essential across the academic institutions. Evidence has shown that greater readiness for disasters saved lives, however, with not enough preparation costs lives. The pandemic influenza causing serious emotional and psychological distress can take place at any time often without notification. Hence, collecting data on the most effective measures for each type of critical incident will give crisis responders the opportunity to intervene efficiently when reacting to the outbreak. This study was examine the preparation level among early childhood education centres in facing the COVID-19 in terms of planning and organization, students learning and program operations, infection control policies and actions, and communication planning. The online questionnaire was given to the owners and principals of children centres and a total of 44 completed the survey during the movement restriction order on March and April 2020. The results shown there were no significant result of preparedness among the types of early childhood centres followed with the years of operation, and the top positions preparation. Therefore, results were referred to means score and found among the centres, both get higher with (M:55.23), the centre which operate less than 5 years shows high means of preparedness (M=52.23) and owner seems more prepared with mean score (M=53.25). In other word, this pandemic is their first time experienced, thus results show not significant. However this will be their new experience to be well-prepared in all aspects such planning, student, infection policy and also communication so that they can manage well if a pandemic happen again.

▶Erni Munastiwi / 2020年 / 論文 / AL-TA’LIM JOURNAL, 27 (3), 2020, (227-235) new!

Colorful Online Learning Problem of Early Childhood Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic

[要旨] This research aims to determine the various problems of online learning at the level of early childhood education units during the COVID-19 pandemic. As for the issues among them, teachers have not all mastered IT; students tend to get bored too long studying at home. Likewise, parents are not ready to change the role of teachers at home and the policies of the central government and local governments and other issues. This research uses a qualitative approach. Respondent consists of a teacher of 12 people and a parent of 25 people. Research location in Ponorogo Regency, East Java. The process of retrieving data using questionnaires through a google form. The results showed there were colorful problems, including 1) communication between educators, parents, and protégés, 2) the lack of costs for procurement of information technology facilities, and the price for online learning needs, 3) the right online learning method for early childhood. While the obstacles faced by parents are 1) mastery of material submitted to the child, 2) less growing the interest of the child, 3) internet network problems, 4) time accompanying the child to study online.

▶Boland & Mortlock / 2020年 / 報告書 / Steinar Education Aoteroa New Zealand new!

Responses to Covid-19 in Steiner Early Childhood Settings in New Zealand(PDF)

[要旨] Introduction Tēnā koutou katoa, The year 2020 has brought unprecedented challenges to communities worldwide as the whole world wrestles with the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic. Although New Zealand is reckoned to have managed the pandemic better than many other countries, there have still been serious consequences including for tamariki (children), whānau (families) and kaiako (teachers) in early childhood settings the length and breadth of the country. Waekura, as the national body of Steiner early childhood education in New Zealand, has tried to support all Steiner early childhood settings to find their own best way through this uncertain time. Drawing on some of the initial thinking and resources provided by the International Association of Steiner Waldorf Early Childhood Education (IASWECE), Waekura members worked together closely to develop approaches to Covid-19 restrictions that placed the wellbeing of tamariki at the centre of their response. This meant Waekura members chose not to focus on delivery of curriculum content to tamariki homes or expect whānau to deliver or replicate Steiner early childhood curriculum at home. Instead kaiako focussed on encouraging parenting that supported tamariki wellbeing and resilience. They worked toward strengthening relationships and communication, and offered some insights into ways to accompany children and help them make sense of their experience, taking care not to add additional expectations on whānau which were unmanageable or added further stress to their lives. Every community and every setting in New Zealand has had a different experience of the periods of lockdown and much information has been shared in meetings, over cups of tea, by phone or over social media. However, this information has remained largely anecdotal. To gain a fuller and more accurate picture of how the New Zealand Steiner early childhood movement has experienced the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, Waekura commissioned Dr Neil Boland and Dr Anita Mortlock to gather information and present it in a report which you are now reading. This report summarises responses gathered from Steiner early childhood teachers throughout New Zealand about pedagogical responses to the first lockdown caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and their experiences of the subsequent learning period. It explores if and how this continues to affect Steiner early childhood teachers and teachers’ perceptions of its impact on tamariki and whānau. The information was gathered during a single week in August, just before Auckland went back into a Level 3 lockdown. As such, it is a snapshot of a period of time which has passed, and we are aware that stressors for many families have increased over time. Nonetheless, I believe it offers a valuable insight into the resilience and strength of the movement nationally.

▶Muhdi, Nurkolis, & Yuliejantiningsih, Y. / 2020年 / 論文 / Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini, 14(2), 247-261. new!

The Implementation of Online Learning in Early Childhood Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic

[要旨] Covid-19 has changed the learning process from class attendance to distance learning using the Internet. Early childhood education is threatened to enter into the lost generation, due to distance learning, which causes confusion for teachers and parents to be able to provide the best stimulation for them. Therefore, the Indonesian government made a new policy on online learning. The objectives of this research are to find how effective at online learning policy formulation, how productive it is in policy implementation, and what are the obstacles of the implementation at Early-Childhood Education (ECE). This qualitative research uses a mixed method approach with an iterative analysis design, conducted in Central Java Province in 35 districts / cities with 1,899 respondents. Data collection techniques with open-closed questionnaires, study from 15 documentation, and in-depth interviews. Data analysis uses quantitative-qualitative software Nvivo12+, with Miles and Huberman models. The results showed the policy formulation of online learning at ECE has been effective. However, the implementation of online learning policy at ECE still takes a lot of effort to become more powerful in preventing a decline in learning. There are five obstacles in in applying this in the field, namely the ability of teachers, the ability of parents, economic capability, facility constraints, and pedagogical constraints.

▶Fleer M. / 2020年 / 論文 / Journal of Early Childhood Research. November 2020 new!

Re-imagining play spaces in early childhood education: Supporting girls’ motive orientation to STEM in times of COVID-19.

[要旨] In unprecedented times, the global community is calling for greater knowledge and engagement in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) to support the decision making and practices of the general community. COVID-19 has highlighted this pressing need and inviting a ‘new normal’. But STEM is not the core business of early childhood. What role can the early childhood education research community take? This paper reports on a cultural-historical study that investigated how a Conceptual PlayWorld changed the traditional Froebelian play areas to support girls’ play and motives in STEM. The question guiding that study was how could a Conceptual PlayWorld overcome the problems previously identified in the literature on girls’ inclusion in STEM activities in preschools. In our educational experiment we implemented a Conceptual PlayWorld over 12 weeks (123 hour of digital video observations), with a focus on role-playing ‘as if’ engineers and scientists (five 4-year-olds and eight 5-year-olds). The outcomes show how a Conceptual PlayWorld created new kinds of 21century learning areas. Spaces traditionally difficult for girls to enter, were transformed and afforded completely new ways of playing, shown to be inclusive of girls, and disrupted gendered interactions and divergence.

▶Gozum, Ali Ibrahim Can; Demir, Özden / 2021年 / 論文 / International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, v13 n1 p712-742 2021 new!

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Self-Confidence of Prospective Pre-School Teachers for Science Education during the COVID-19 Period: A Structural Equational Modelling

[要旨] In the age of the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of technology and competencies of educators to support the education of early childhood children drew attention to the education that teachers need to receive in the pre-service period. In this context, it could be significant to examine the relationship between technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge that teachers acquire in the pre-service period. The study aimed to identify the relationship between prospective pre-school teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) self-confidence for Science Education and TPACK sub-scales. The study utilized the relational screening method based on the quantitative research paradigm. Path analysis was conducted for structural equational modeling. The study group of the research consisted of 280 pre-school teacher candidates who study at the faculties of education in two different state universities located in the eastern region of Turkey. The data were collected via the "Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Self-Confidence Scale" developed by Graham, Burgoyne, Cantrell, Smith and Harris (2009) and adapted to Turkish by Timur and Tasar (2011). The theoretical validity of the data collection tool was tested through the validity and reliability performed on the data set obtained from the prospective pre-school teachers. The results showed that the TPACK variable was affected by the TPK and TCK variables directly and positively. TPK and TCK variables were affected by the TK variable directly and positively.

▶Atabey, Derya / 2021年 / 論文 / International Journal on Social and Education Sciences, v3 n1 p82-94 2021 new!

COVID-19 from the Perspective of Preschool Prospective Teachers: What Can We Do for Children?

[要旨] The current study was carried out to determine the problems that preschool children experience during COVID-19 and also what could be done from perspectives of preschool prospective teachers. The working group of the study was made up of 45 projects prepared by 15 preschool prospective teachers attending to the midterm exam of lecture of "Practices of social service" in Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University, Faculty of Education, Department of Preschool Education. As a data collection tool, the project preparation form (A unstructured survey form) that was prepared by the researcher was used. The study was carried out by qualitative research methods and the projects comprising the working group of the study were analyzed with content analysis technique. At the end of the study, the problems that preschool children might experience in the pandemic period, the purposes to decrease these problems to minimum, the concepts and values to be attained and recommendations for projects were determined. Various recommendations were made in line with the findings obtained. [This study was presented as an oral presentation in International Conference on Studies in Education and Social Sciences (ICSES)-2020, Istanbul, Turkey.]

▶Park, Eunhye; Logan, Helen; Zhang, Li; Kamigaichi, Nobuko; Kulapichitr, Udomluck / 2020年 / 論文/ International Journal of Early Childhood, v52 n3 p249-266 Dec 2020 new!

Responses to Coronavirus Pandemic in Early Childhood Services across Five Countries in the Asia-Pacific Region: OMEP Policy Forum

[要旨] The rapid spread of the coronavirus virus (COVID-19) has been responsible for massive global impacts on the lives of children, families and communities. It is important to document these effects for the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) sector. This report focuses on the Asia-Pacific region and ECEC sector, given limited regional studies on the impact of COVID-19 on early childhood education. It draws attention to the effects of the pandemic across five member countries of the "Organisation Mondiale pour l' Education Préscolaire" (OMEP)--Australia, China, Japan, Korea and Thailand. The authors describe initial responses to control the spread of the pandemic in each national context and identify socio-political factors that enable broad understandings of national responses to COVID-19. In relation to the ECEC sector, responses are discussed in terms of cultural differences, economic issues, educational and professional concerns and educator wellbeing. While important government actions have rightly focused on virus suppression, it also remains important to maintain attention on the rights of children to ensure that the health crisis does not also become a child's rights crisis and that sufficient attention is given to children's safety and wellbeing.

▶Jones, Denisha / 2020年 / 報告書 / Defending the Early Years new!

/20/10/impact-covid-19-young-children-families-and-teachers" class="outside" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">The Impact of COVID-19 on Young Children, Families, and Teachers

[要旨] Defending the Early Years released a survey to better understand the impact COVID-19 has had on young children, their families, and their teachers. Schools, centers, and childcare providers were forced to close their doors as the world implemented social distancing measures to slow the spread of the new deadly virus. This survey was written to capture the experiences of parents and teachers of young children, a population often overlooked when discussing education. The survey contained 39 questions in three sections: demographics, parents, and teachers. Utilizing a mix of open-ended, multiple-choice, and Likert scale questions, respondents were asked about their experience with online learning/remote schooling, including participation, expectations, ease of adjustment, benefits, challenges, and concerns. This report documents the findings based on an analysis of the responses collected. The authors begin by sharing the demographic data. Then they provide an overview of the online learning/remote schooling participation, expectations, and reports of adjustment. Next, they share the benefits, challenges, and concerns of both parents and teachers. Finally, the authors offer some suggestions for parents and teachers based on their understanding of the data. The hope is that by amplifying the voice of parents and teachers of young children, we can continue to protect and invest in childhood.

▶Dias, Maria J. A.; Almodóvar, Mayra; Atiles, Julia T.; Vargas, Aleida Chavarría; Zúñiga León, Irma M. / 2020年 / 論文 / Childhood Education, v96 n6 p38-45 2020 new!

Rising to the Challenge: Innovative Early Childhood Teachers Adapt to the COVID-19 Era

[要旨] Early childhood care and education provide the underpinning of high-quality basic education. While it is indisputable that the family and home environment are critical to children's development, education programs outside the home provide children with the basic cognitive and language skills they need to succeed in school. Early childhood education has faced many challenges throughout the years, including accessibility, quality of preschool programs, and lack of a skilled and qualified workforce. There is no doubt that the challenges are many, and that race, culture, ethnicity, language, and economic status continue to determine the educational gap between privileged and underprivileged children. In 2020, one more challenge arose for families, teachers, and school administrators--the very contagious COVID-19 virus. The authors interviewed 26 teachers of 3- to 6-year-old children in public and private educational institutions regarding their teaching and learning experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. This article spotlights some of the challenges these teachers faced and the innovative responses they employed.

▶JUDIT SZENTE / 2020年 / 論文 / Jl. of Technology and Teacher Education (2020) 28(2), 373-380

Live Virtual Sessions with Toddlers and Preschoolers amid COVID-19: Implications for Early Childhood Teacher Education

[要旨] This paper shares reflections on over 50 live Zoom instructional lessons with toddlers and preschoolers amid the first three weeks of school closures due to COVID-19 in the State of Florida. Reflections resulted in three themes: 1) implementing digital sessions with young children; 2) establishing and maintaining home-based child engagement through technology; and 3) ensuring family involvement/engagement through technology. Implications and research recommendations are provided for early childhood teacher education programs and in-service professional development opportunities to ensure that teachers are better prepared for teaching and learning in an online environment.

▶Devercelli, Amanda Epstein, Humphry, Ella Victoria / 2020年 / 報告書(Working Paper)/ World Bank

Investing in the Early Years During COVID-19(PDF)

[要旨] Young children need comprehensive nurturing care which includes good health, adequate nutrition, early learning opportunities, responsive caregiving, and safety and security. Severe, lifelong impacts can result from deprivations during the early years if children do not have these critical inputs to ensure optimal child development. The World Bank’s Investing in the Early Years framework lays out three pillars to ensure children reach their full potential: i. Children are healthy and well-nourished, especially in the first 1,000 days ii. Children receive early stimulation and learning opportunities and iii. Children are nurtured and protected from stress. In the following three pages, we set out specific risks that children face under each of these pillars due to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) crisis, together with response options, potential platforms and country examples. While health and nutrition are key elements of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) emergency response and are more likely to be addressed immediately, empowering parents to provide warm and responsive caregiving and ensuring safety and security of young children and early learning opportunities for young children is essential and risks falling through the cracks.

Bipartisan Policy Center and Morning Consult / 2020年 / 調査報告

Nationwide Survey: Child Care in the Time of Coronavirus

[要旨] A new survey conducted by the Bipartisan Policy Center and Morning Consult finds that child care in the United States is still necessary for parents to work, even amidst changing work environments. But child care is difficult to find and in many circumstances, closed indefinitely. This leaves parents who are working at home on their own to juggle their work and caregiving responsibilities. At the same time, frontline or essential workers who need formal child care face widespread program closures which can prevent them from finding the care they need.

Buffett Early Childhood Institute ―University of Nebraska/2020年 / 調査報告, プレスリリース


[要旨] The Nebraska COVID-19 Early Care and Education Provider Survey was designed to capture the perspectives of those providing early care and education in the early days of the pandemic. The goal of the survey was to identify provider needs and policy recommendations that could respond to those needs. Two primary questions were addressed:
1. How are early care and education providers experiencing the effects of COVID-19?
2. Based on providers’ experiences, what are some urgent needs and policy recommendations?

▶Friendly, M., Forer, B., & Vickerson, R. / 2020年 / 調査報告, プレスリリース

/20/06/pandemic-experience-has-created-uncertain-future-canadian" class="outside" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">The pandemic experience has created an uncertain future for Canadian child care services: Highlights of a national survey

[要旨] A survey of regulated centres and family child care homes was distributed online across Canada in English and French in April-May 2020. The survey, completed by the person most responsible for the centre(s) or home, was designed to learn about the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on early learning and child care provision, finances, and concerns for the future. This report provides highlights of preliminary results; a separate report will provide data for a more detailed picture. Valid surveys representing 8,300 facilities — 5,729 centres and 2,571 family child care homes — were provided by 6,564 respondents.

UNESCO, UNICEF, Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood (ARNEC), the Early Childhood Workforce Initiative (ECWI) and International Step by Step Association (ISSA) / 2020年 / 調査のお知らせ(結果はARNECのウェビナーで公表)

COVID-19 and Early Childhood Education Workforce

[要旨] The survey aims to: Advocate and raise awareness on the impact of COVID-19 on ECE workforce – to be shared at the upcoming webinar organized by ARNEC as part of its webinar series on “Young children amidst COVID-19” and in future advocacy efforts of partners; Devise policy recommendations for governments - to be shared and endorsed at the 4th Asia-Pacific Regional Policy Forum on ECE; Identify practical solutions for providers to support the ECE workforce; and Contribute to the five year progress review of SDG4 and understand the implications of the status of ECE workforce on progress toward SDG4.
The survey consists of three parts:
Part A: For everyone
Part B: For ECE centre managers/ heads of pre-primary/preschool
Part C: For ECE teachers and practitioners

▶Jinyoung Kim / 2020年 / 論文/International Journal of Early Childhood volume 52, pages145–158(2020)

Learning and Teaching Online During Covid-19: Experiences of Student Teachers in an Early Childhood Education Practicum

[要旨] Online learning is an educational process which takes place over the Internet as a form of distance education. Distance education became ubiquitous as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic during 2020. Because of these circumstances, online teaching and learning had an indispensable role in early childhood education programs, even though debates continue on whether or not it is beneficial for young children to be exposed extensively to Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This descriptive study demonstrates how a preservice teacher education course in early childhood education was redesigned to provide student teachers with opportunities to learn and teach online. It reports experiences and reflections from a practicum course offered in the Spring Semester of 2020, in the USA. It describes three phases of the online student teachers’ experiences–Preparation, Implementation, and Reflection. Tasks accomplished in each phase are reported. Online teaching experiences provided these preservice teachers with opportunities to interact with children, as well as to encourage reflection on how best to promote young children’s development and learning with online communication tools.

▶OMEP Executive Committee, World Organisation for Early Childhood Education / 2020年/ポジションペーパー / International Journal of Early Childhood volume 52, pages119–128(2020) new!

OMEP Position Paper: Early Childhood Education and Care in the Time of COVID-19

[要旨] The International Journal of Early Childhood (IJEC) is published under the auspices of OMEP (World Organisation for Early Childhood Education). The aims of OMEP are to promote the rights of the child with a special emphasis on rights to education and care, worldwide. OMEP holds special consultative status with the UN and UNESCO. In the difficult situations engendered by the Coronavirus Pandemic in 2020, OMEP has special concerns for children’s well-being. The global crisis has tested the political, health, and economic systems of many countries. In response, it is important to seek solutions through solidarity to help to prevent the spread of the virus and reduce its negative impacts for children and their families. The OMEP Executive Committee has formulated a position paper: Early Childhood Education and Care in the Time of COVID-19. This position paper is presented below in English, French, and Spanish which are the three official languages of OMEP.

▶MERIKE DARMODY, EMER SMYTH AND HELEN RUSSELL / 2020年 / 報告書(レビュー)/ ESRI Survey and Statistical Report Series

The implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for policy in relation to children and young people: a research review

[要旨] The report, published by the ESRI, and produced in partnership with Department of Children and Youth Affairs, draws on existing and emerging Irish and international research on the effects of the pandemic restrictions on children and young people. In particular, the report reviews research evidence in the areas of family and peer relationships, health and wellbeing, education (from early childhood to third-level) and post-school transitions to provide insights into the potential consequences of the current crisis from infancy to early adulthood.

▶Wallace, R., & Goodyear-Grant, E. / 2020年 / 論文 / Politics & Gender, 1-12.

News Coverage of Childcare During COVID-19: Where are Women and Gender?

[要旨] Abstract: Research has long observed the absence of gender in childcare policy, media, and elections. However, the current global pandemic has invoked critical questions about childcare and its importance to states’ economic recovery around the world. In this note, we analyze news coverage of childcare in Canadian major dailies to explore if and how news narratives regarding childcare are shifting in light of COVID-19. In particular, are we seeing a focus on women and gender in childcare coverage amidst the compounding pressures that women are facing in the current social and economic climate? Results of our analysis suggest that the pandemic has not shifted the conversation on childcare, and that current coverage principally reflects long-standing trends in childcare framing. We find that gender remains systematically written out of coverage on childcare, occluded by a larger focus on health-, economic-, and accessibility-related concerns about childcare services.


California Child Care in Crisis: The Escalating Impacts of COVID-19 as California Reopens

[要旨] The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted an unprecedented crisis in California child care. In May 2020, the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment (CSCCE) released results from a survey of more than 2,000 child care programs throughout California, painting a grim picture of the devastating impact of COVID-19. Two months later, as the state began to reopen its economy, we conducted a follow-up survey with those same respondents to understand the changing nature of California child care. 953 programs responded to this survey from June 22 to July 1, 2020: 40% of respondents were center-based administrators, and 60 percent were home-based family child care (FCC) providers.

▶The Muttart Foundation & Canadian Child Care Federation / 2020年 / 報告書、ハイライト

Early Learning and Child Care in Alberta: Results from a National Survey During the COVID-19 Pandemic

[要旨] The Childcare Resource and Research Unit, the Canadian Child Care Federation, and Child Care Now distributed an online survey to child care centres and family child care homes designed to gather information on the state of child care service delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic for the week of April 27 to May 1, 2020. Using data from the national survey, the Muttart Foundation and the Canadian Child Care Federation prepared this report comparing pandemic experiences of services providers in Alberta with those of service providers in other parts of Canada.

▶Pramling Samuelsson, Ingrid; Wagner, Judith T.; Eriksen Ødegaard, Elin / 2020年 / 論文/ International Journal of Early Childhood, v52 n2 p129-144 Aug 2020

The Coronavirus Pandemic and Lessons Learned in Preschools in Norway, Sweden and the United States: OMEP Policy Forum

[要旨] The novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, has moved rapidly across the world in 2020. This article reports on the recent consequences of the pandemic for early childhood education in Sweden, Norway, and the United States. The authors illustrate the effects of the pandemic on preschools in their countries, against a backdrop of frequent changes in infection and mortality rates, epidemiological understandings, government strategies, and mitigation strategies regarding preschool closures. Teachers report their experiences and actions in specific early childhood education settings, across the three national contexts. These experiential snapshots identify program priorities, parents' and children's reactions, and the commitment and concerns of teachers. The conversations reveal culturally situated similarities of early childhood educational practices but also differences across contexts. Teachers report on the challenges of their experiences but also benefits for their practice and how they engage with children and their families. Ideas about future preparedness for such pandemics are also discussed.

▶Linda Mitchell, Edith Hodgen, Patricia Meagher-Lundberg, Clare Wells / 2020年 / 報告書

Impact of Covid-19 on the Early Childhood Education Sector in Aotearoa New Zealand: Challenges and opportunities. Initial findings from a survey of managers

[要旨] The survey findings reported here present a picture of the initial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on early childhood education (ECE) services from the perspectives and experiences of managers from education and care services, kindergarten associations, playcentre regions and homebased services. The survey covered the period March to June 2020, as New Zealand moved through Lockdowns 4 and 3, and Level 2 to Level 1. The report explores the crucial role ECE services played in responding quickly to support workers, families and children when the virus spread to this country. They provided education and care for children of essential workers during lockdowns, communicated with families and staff, offered distance learning opportunities when children were unable to attend ECE, and brokered access to social, health and financial support for families who needed it. Attention was paid to staff wellbeing and professional development. Teachers made the ECE environment safe for children’s return. The report explores challenges concerning the sustainability of ECE services and raises critical questions regarding funding and planning. It suggests now is a good time to rethink the purpose of ECE, to redefine ECE as a public good, and to plan, fund and support it accordingly.

▶Elise Chor / 2020年 / 報告書(Brief)/ POLICY BRIEF No.4 | September 3, 2020

Unequal Impact: COVID-19 and Early Childhood Education(PDF)

[要旨] Highlights

• Educational experiences in the first five years of life are foundational, and high-quality early childhood education is particularly beneficial to low-income children, Black children, and other children of color.
• COVID-19 created a significant disruption in children’s early childhood education experiences which will likely have long-lasting ramifications for disadvantaged children.
• Policy responses have likely exacerbated the unequal impacts of COVID-19 for children.
• Policymakers should support highquality early childhood education programs for disadvantaged children with broader programming to address the needs of their families and neighborhoods to mitigate the negative effects of COVID-19.

▶Nagasawa, M., & Tarrant, K. / 2020年 / 報告書(Policy Brief)/ New York Early Childhood Professional Development Institute, CUNY. Retrieved from https://educate.bankstreet.edu/sc/1

Who Will Care for the Early Care and Education Workforce? COVID-19 and the Need to Support Early Childhood Educators’ Emotional Well-being

[要旨] This brief report describes issues and opportunities related to early childhood educators' emotional well-being that emerged from a survey exploring how the COVID-19 was affecting early educators across New York City and New York State (n=3355). We argue, given the impacts that teachers reported and the scale of the pandemic, that a trauma-informed systems perspective is needed in order to support early childhood educators.

▶Tarrant, K., & Nagasawa, M. / 2020年 / 報告書 / New York Early Childhood Professional Development Institute, CUNY. Retrieved from https://educate.bankstreet.edu/sc/2(Policy Brief)

New York Early Care and Education Survey: Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on New York Early Childhood System

[要旨] This is the first in a series of reports based upon a survey conducted with 3355 early childhood educators across New York City and New York State, which sought to understand how they were faring during the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic (May 2020). Among the key findings were: (1) at that time the emotional stress of the pandemic was affecting respondents more than health and financial stressors; (2) Educators’ need for mental health supports exceed other areas of support requested; (3) approximately 70% were engaged in remote instruction in New York City and half were providing remote instruction in the rest of state; (4) approximately 1 in 5 program leaders reported that their program was closed and providing no services; (5) remote learning was prevalent, and staff were committed to, but struggling with, delivering engaging and developmentally meaningful approaches; (6) respondents were struggling to meet administrative demands, particularly related to documentation; (7) partnering with families was challenging, given varied circumstances and limited access to resources and learning materials; (8) approximately 60% of program leaders reported they were fully paying their staff; and (9) programs funded through parent fees were most frequently closed and had furloughed or laid off staff.

▶Greg Tabios Pawilen / 2020年 / 論文 / Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education . Sep2020, Vol. 14 Issue 3, p23-44. 22p.

What do Kindergarten Children Need to Know about COVID-19 Pandemic? A Supplementary Curriculum for Filipino Young Children during the Period of Enhanced Community Quarantine.

[要旨] The study aims to help teachers develop a supplementary curriculum for kindergarten children in the Philippines who were affected by the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) period brought by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The curriculum focuses on helping children make use of their time at home to experience meaningful learning with their family while understanding what is happening around them and why they need to follow a lot of rules individually, as a family, and as a community. The curriculum proposes the use of home-based learning anchored on Filipino cultural values of strong family relationship and on the philosophy of holistic learning.

▶Jo Blanden, Claire Crawford, Elaine Drayton, Christine Farquharson, Megan Jarvie and Gillian Paull / 2020年 / 報告書

Challenges for the childcare market: the implications of COVID-19 for childcare providers in England

[要旨] In this report, we assess the consequences of the pandemic – and the resulting public health response – for the finances of early years childcare providers. The pandemic has hit demand for childcare hard: during the lockdown, when only vulnerable children and those with key worker parents were able to access childcare, fewer than 250,000 children aged 0 to 4 were attending childcare on a given day, compared to around 1.4 million before the pandemic. Since June, the sector has been allowed to serve all children in England, but even before the summer holidays, take-up peaked at 420,000 children.

▶López Bóo, Florencia; Behrman, Jere R.; Vazquez, Claudia / 2020年 / 報告書

Economic Costs of Preprimary Program Reductions due to COVID-19 Pandemic

[要旨] Longitudinal studies of people conceived, in utero or in early childhood during previous pandemics and famines show that children can suffer lifelong negative consequences. Hundreds of millions of children are losing learning opportunities resulting in potentially large losses in their lifetime education, health, income, and productivity. Losses in long-term incomes from preprimary program closures due to COVID-19 can be unprecedented. Acute effects are plausible for such disruptions early in life when the brain is rapidly developing and is more sensitive to environmental changes. This study is the first to simulate losses due to preprimary program closures because of the COVID-19 pandemic on the discounted values of future earnings when current preschool age children become adults for 140 countries. These losses are considerable in comparison with governmental expenditures on all levels of education in the same countries. Policies need to mitigate the effects of preprimary program closures to avoid these enormous losses.

▶Dayal HC, Tiko L. / 2020年 / 論文 / Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. October 2020

When are we going to have the real school? A case study of early childhood education and care teachers’ experiences surrounding education during the COVID-19 pandemic

[要旨] In this study, we set out to explore how two private, early childhood education and care centres in a small island developing state in the Pacific are coping with schooling during the COVID-19 lockdown period. In particular, we used a case-study research approach to explore teachers’ feelings about the situation and what actions or strategies the centres have devised to continue to support education of young children. We also report on the challenges and opportunities that teachers have experienced in teaching remotely. The case studies suggest that teachers feel worried not only about their personal lives, but also about their professional lives as teachers. The findings also reveal how the two early childhood education and care centres innovate in delivering education in a time of severe crisis. Glimpses of success are visible in terms of making teaching and learning possible and meaningful even with very young children. These findings provide useful insights into teaching and learning during a pandemic.

▶Santos, D. O., & de Lacerda, C. M. S. / 2020年 / 論文 / Creative Education, Vol.11 No.10

The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Early Childhood Education and Comorbidities in Brazil: Challenges and Perspectives.

[要旨] The COVID-19 pandemic caused numerous changes in the lives of individuals in all geographic regions, not only because of the speed of transmission, but also because the world is experiencing the fourth industrial revolution, which increases the fluxes of data and materials throughout the network society. There is a global picture of changes over time, where pandemics have been gradually replaced by chronic diseases. And, in this context, the most drastic changes in health-disease patterns occur in children and young women and are associated with the demographic and socioeconomic fluctuations that underpin the modernization complex. The current pandemic offers an opportunity for reflection on the concept of health in the current and globalized world. It is up to the human being to definitely learn. In the early childhood education, during this period of the COVID 19 pandemic, it is necessary to deal with some special issues, in a short time: 1) the migration from onsite to remote teaching in the educational system; 2) to consider the current pandemic as a state of exception without forgetting the co-existence of other morbidities that had already been hardly affecting children over the years, such as obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes and 3) the urgent need on how to manage the time for education professionals to re-invent the teaching-learning process through digital tools. Once these challenges are reached, the maintenance of the health-education binomial will have great chances of being successful through joint actions both at the governmental level and by professionals in the area of education and the family of children.

▶Department for Education, Laura Hunnikin, Jonathon Blackburn / 2020年 / 報告書

Survey of childcare and early years providers and COVID-19 (coronavirus)

[要旨] Executive Summary
The Department for Education commissioned NatCen Social Research and Frontier Economics to conduct an online survey with childcare providers entitled the Survey of Childcare and Early Years Providers and COVID-19 (SCEYP COVID). The purpose of this study was to understand how childcare providers have responded to the pandemic, the status of childcare provision and any potential longer-term consequences for the childcare market.

▶Sonja Blum & Ivana Dobrotić / 2020年 / 論文 / European Societies

Childcare-policy responses in the COVID-19 pandemic: unpacking cross-country variation

[要旨] From mid-March 2020, childcare services and schools were closed around the globe in the fight of the COVID-19 pandemic. This situation, unprecedented in the history of modern welfare states, brought striking cross-country differences in pandemic childcare-policy responses. They varied particularly in the re-opening phase – both in being more lenient or strict, and in being universal or selective. This article presents a conceptual framework that allows to unpack and classify variations in the design of immediate childcare-policy responses to COVID-19, which became (primarily) driven by public-health-related goals and therefore transverse existing conceptualisations. We argue that specific responses are resulting from a country-specific combination of pandemic prevention strategy (either focused on high-risk groups or the whole population), and childcare-related policy concerns (e.g. educational goals, or work-family reconciliation). The distinct childcare-policy responses are then developed, and empirically illustrated on the basis of data collected for 28 European countries. This provides a basis for future research into the cross-country variation of responses, as well as gender and social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

▶Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood (ARNEC) / 2020年 / 報告書・サマリー

Perspectives on the Impact of COVID-19 on Young Children and ECD in the Asia-Pacific Region

[要旨] ARNEC is pleased to share with you the results of our survey in April and May 2020 on the impact of COVID-19 on young children and their families and the status of ECD services in the Asia-Pacific region at the height of the pandemic.
We have released the final and full report on the results of our rapid survey on the impact of COVID-19 on young children and ECD. The full narrative report also includes an Annex on technical and explanatory notes which contains further explanation on some of the findings. Please click here to access the revised PowerPoint presentation for a summary of survey findings.
Kindly disregard earlier versions of the survey results shared.
This report is final and should be the sole reference for the ARNEC survey on the impact of COVID-19 on young children and ECD in the Asia-Pacific region. Country-level reports will also be made available in the website for selected countries where participation in the survey is significant.
While it is a rapid survey, it points us to some directions in terms of our continued ECD advocacy and programming during and beyond this pandemic.
