Cedep 発達保育実践政策学センター

CEDEP International Seminar "Common Worlding Pedagogies in Early Childhood Education"

2024年3月9日 (土) 10:00〜12:00
Date Time
March 9, 2024 Sat. 10:00-12:00 JST
会場 / Venue
オンライン(Zoomウェビナー 9:30より入室可)
Online(Zoom Webinar 9:30 JST Open)
/ Registration
Free of charge, Advance registration required (first 1,000 applicants)
/ Language
日 / 英 同時通訳あり
Japanese-English Simultaneous interpretation available.

Flyer_english ver.↓

共催 / Joint sponsorship


Jointly hosted by JSPS for Accelerated International Research: Building Educational Theories and Approaches for New Relationships between Children and Nature: Early Childhood Education in an Era of Climate Change

企画趣旨 / Event aims


Common Worlding Pedagogies challenges the nature/culture dichotomy and attempts to overcome the anthropocentrism and colonialism implicit in traditional environmental education. Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw and her colleagues, who have deepened this concept, will be invited to discuss the approaches to a new relationship between children and nature.

プログラム / Program

司会 / Chair

野澤 祥子(東京大学 CEDEP 准教授)
Sachiko Nozawa (CEDEP)

開会挨拶 / Opening Remarks

浅井 幸子(東京大学 教授/CEDEP 副センター長)
Sachiko Asai(Professor, The University of Tokyo/Deputy Center Director of CEDEP)

講演 / Lecture


ヴェロニカ・パシーニ=ケチャボー(ウェスタン大学 教授)
ナーダ・ネルソン(ウェスタン大学 博士課程)
テレサ・スミス(幼児教育ネットワーク ペダゴジスタ)


Lecture: Common Worlding Pedagogies in Early Childhood Education

Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw(Professor, Western University, Canada)
Narda Nelson (Doctoral Student, Faculty of Education, Western University)
Teresa Smith (Pedagogist, Early Childhood Pedagogy Network)

Talk summary: This presentation addresses how we have been thinking and experimenting with common worlding pedagogies in early childhood education for over a decade, shifting the focus of their practice from the developmental child to the complex, entangled, mutually affecting, and co-shaping child-world relations. We will offer examples of educational encounters in which educators and children world worlds with others (human and more-than-human).


ヴェロニカ・パシーニ=ケチャボー氏 Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw

カナダ オンタリオ州 ウェスタン大学教育学部教授(幼児教育)、カリキュラム研究学際センター長。Common Worlds Research Collective(子どもたちと場所、物質、他の種との関係をたどる)、Early Childhood Pedagogies Collaboratory(21世紀型教育法の諸要素、条件、複雑さを実験する)に貢献する研究や執筆を行っている。

Professor of Early Childhood Education in the Faculty of Education and Director of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Research in Curriculum at Western University in Ontario, Canada. Her writing and research contribute to the Common Worlds Research Collective (tracing children's relations with places, materials, and other species), and the Early Childhood Pedagogies Collaboratory (experimenting with the contours, conditions, and complexities of 21st century pedagogies).


質疑応答 / Discussion
