Cedep 発達保育実践政策学センター

CEDEP×IOE collaborative research project

教育格差というグローバルな課題への取り組み: 多様な文化的背景を持つ子どもたちの早期学習と言語発達支援についての研究、多様な環境における早期言語発達支援に関する新たな概念的思考を提供する

Addressing the Global Challenge of Educational Inequality: Supporting Children’s Early Learning and Language Development in Culturally Diverse Contexts in the Home and Early Years Settings

Brief background and the aim of the project

就学前の幼児期の言語発達がその後の教育達成と強い関連性があること、好ましい学習経験を育む上で(家庭内外の)環境が重要な役割を果たすことが研究で示されています(Law et al, 2017; Sylva et al 2012 )。中でも、母国語と学校や幼稚園などの言語が異なる子どもにとっては、早期学習と言語発達の支援は特に重要です。しかし、日本でもイギリスでも、園や学校が文化的・言語的にますます多様化しているにもかかわらず、就学に向けて多様な背景を持つ子どもたちを支援するための適切な準備を行なっている幼児教育・保育施設は非常に限定的です。



Research shows that early language development during the preschool years is strongly associated with later educational achievement, and the important role of the environment (in and outside the home) in fostering positive learning experiences (Law et al, 2017; Sylva et al 2012). Supporting early learning and language development in culturally diverse contexts is especially crucial for children whose home language is different from the language used in formal learning settings such as a school or preschool. However, even though preschools and schools have become increasingly culturally and linguistically diverse in both Japan and England, few early years settings (less than 5% in Japan) are able to effectively cater for children from culturally diverse backgrounds, particularly those with home languages different from their formal learning language.

・To foster cross-cultural knowledge exchange and shared understanding on supporting children’s early learning and language development to address global educational inequality (SDG 4 and 10)
・To strengthen international partnerships and research collaboration
・To inform new conceptual thinking on supporting early language development in diverse settings
・To develop a pilot study using a survey design and interview tool to understand practitioners’ perspectives on supporting early language development for children with culturally diverse backgrounds.


浅井 幸子
Professor Sachiko Asai
東京大学 教授
Professor in Education and Deputy Director of CEDEP, The University of Tokyo
野澤 祥子
Dr Sachiko Nozawa
発達保育実践政策学センター 准教授
Associate Professor in Developmental Psychology, CEDEP, The University of Tokyo

石井 悠
Dr Yu Ishii
発達保育実践政策学センター 助教
Assistant Professor in Developmental Psychology, CEDEP, The University of Tokyo
椨 瑞希子
Professor Mikiko Tabu
聖徳大学 名誉教授 学外協力研究者
Prof Emerita in ECEC, Seitoku University
Professor Lynn Ang Professor in Early Childhood Education, UCL Institute of Education
Dr Georgina Merchant Lecturer in Teacher Education, UCL Institute of Education
Dr Sinead Harmey Associate Professor in Literacy Education, UCL Institute of Education
Dr Rachael Levy Associate Professor in Early Years Literacy and Language Development, UCL Institute of Education